Product name: BIO
Chemical name: (Z)-6-Bromo-1H,1H-[2,3]biindolylidene-3,2-dione 3-oximeWeb Site click
MF: C16H10BrN3O2
MW: 356.17
C AS NO: 884-39-9 Product: L-(-)-α-Methyldopa (hydrochl or ide)
Purity: 98%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOiGluR Inhibitor s
Description: potent ,reversible,ATP-competitive and selective Inhibitor of glycogensynth ASe kin ASe GSK-3(IC50:5nM);Inhibition of GSKby BI or esultsinthe activation of the Wnt Signalingpathway and sustainedpluripotencyinhuman and murineembryonicstemcell s(ESCs).BIOis shown to maintainself-renewPubMed ID: