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Product name: KRCA 0008
Chemical name: 1,1-(4,4-(4,4-(5-chl or opyrimidine-2,4-diyl)bis (azanediyl)bis (3-methoxy-4,1-phenylene))bis (piperazine-4,1-diyl))die than oneMedchemexpress
MF: C30H37ClN8O4
MW: 609.12
C AS NO: 101-26-8 Product: Pyridostigmine (bromide)
Purity: 100%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOStem cell _Wnt Inhibitor s
Description: potent and selective dualALK(anapl AS ticlymphoma kin ASe ) and ACK1 Inhibitor (IC50 values 12nM and 4nMf or ALK and Ack1,respectively)with gooddrug-likeproperties:goodwater-solubilitywith moderatepl AS ma proteinbinding and lowbrainexposure.Ith AS goodlivermicrosomalstability and littPubMed ID:

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