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Product name: Locostatin- UIC 1005
Chemical name: (S,E)-4-benzyl-3-but-2-enoyloxazolidin-2-oneWeb Site:Medchemexpress
MF: C14H15NO3
MW: 245.27
C AS NO: 50-01-1 Product: Guanidine (hydrochl or ide)
Purity: 100%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOPIKfyve Inhibitor s
Description: Non- to xicRaf kin ASe Inhibitor y protein(RKIP) Inhibitor ;dis ruptsthe interaction of RKIP,no to nlywith Raf-1 kin ASe ,but also with GRK2;Locostatinis an Inhibitor of cell sheetmigration and cell growthinanepithe lialcell proliferation AS say, and itinduced Tcell anergyby blockingcy to kineprPubMed ID:

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