Product name: MHY 1485
Chemical name: 4,6-dim or pholino-N-(4-nitrophenyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-amineWeb Site:Medchemexpress
MF: C17H21N7O4
MW: 387.39
C AS NO: 6384-92-5 Product: NMDA
Purity: 99%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOLXR Inhibitor s
Description: m to Ractiva to r with an Inhibitor yeffec to nau to phagy.MHY1485markedlyincre ASedthe LC3II/LC3Iratiodose- dependent ly and time- dependent lyby inhibition of the fusionbetweenau to phagosomes and lysosomes, and with outincre AS ingthe au to phagicflux.At2µM,MHY1485didnotshowanycell deathdPubMed ID: