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Product name: ML 210- CID 49766530
Chemical name: (4-(bis (4-chl or ophenyl)methyl)piperazin-1-yl)(5-methyl-4-nitrois oxazol-3-yl)me than oneWeb Site:Medchemexpress
MF: C22H20Cl2N4O4
MW: 475.32
C AS NO: 550-24-3 Product: Embelin
Purity: 100%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOIRAK Inhibitor s
Description: Chemicalprobe that selective lykillscell sinduced to expressmutantR AS ;m or especifically,ML210is aHR AS synthe ticlethalcompoundwith nanomolarpotencies agains ttwoHR AS G12Vexpressing cell lines and 4-foldselectivity agains ttwocontrol cell linesnotexpressingHR AS G12V References CerPubMed ID:

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