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Product name: PCI 34051
Chemical name: N-hydroxy-1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-indole-6-carboxamideWeb Site:Medchemexpress
MF: C17H16N2O3
MW: 29632
C AS NO: 105462-24-6 Product: Ris edronic acid
Purity: 98%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOCRTH2 (GPR44) Inhibitor s
Description: Specific and potent his to nedeacetyl ASe8(HDAC8) Inhibitor ,with >200-foldselectivityoverthe othe rHDACis of or ms.PCI-34051 induces c AS p ASe- dependent apop to sis in cell linesderived from T-cell lymphom AS or leukemi AS ,butnotinothe rhema to poietic or solidtum or lines References CertificaPubMed ID:

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