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Product name: PD 98059- NSC 679828
Chemical name: 2-(2-Amino-3-methoxy-phenyl)-chromen-4-oneMedchemexpress
MF: C16H13NO3
MW: 267.28
C AS NO: 364622-82-2 Product: D or ipenem (monohydrate)
Purity: 99%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOApop to sis _Compound_Library Inhibitor s
Description: potent and cell -permeable Inhibitor of mi to gen-activate d protein(MAP) kin ASe kin ASe ( also known AS MAPK/ERK kin ASe or MEK) References Certificates Categ or ies Extrain foDRAlessietal.PD098059is AS pecific Inhibitor of the activation of mi to gen-activate d protein kin ASe kin ASe invitro and invPubMed ID:

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