Product name: PHA 408
Chemical name: 8-(5-chl or o-2-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)is onicotinamido)-1-(4-flu or ophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-benzo[g]indazole-3-carboxamideWeb Site click
MF: C29H27ClFN7O2
MW: 56002
C AS NO: 58-93-5 Product: Hydrochl or othiazide
Purity: 99%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOVDAC Inhibitor s
Description: potent ,highly selective and ATP-competitiveIKB kin ASe -2(IKK-2) Inhibitor (IC50:40nM),which bindsIKK-2tightlywith arelativelyslow of frate;highly recommended to ol to investigatethe mechanis msby which IKK-2regulatesNF-KB Signaling References Certificates Categ or ies Extrain foGMbaPubMed ID: