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Product name: RITA- NSC 652287
Chemical name: (5,5-(furan-2,5-diyl)bis (thiophene-5,2-diyl))dime than olMedchemexpress
MF: C14H12O3S2
MW: 292.37
C AS NO: 222989-99-3 Product: Fin AS teride (acetate)
Purity: 98%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOPhospholip ASe Inhibitor s
Description: Small molecule p53activa to r ;MDM2 Inhibitor References Certificates Categ or ies Extrain foMNSahaetal.RITAInhibits MultipleMyelomacell GrowththroughInduction of p53-MediatedC AS p ASe- dependent Apop to sis and Synergis ticallyEnhancesNutlin-induced Cy to to xicResponses.Mol.CancerThPubMed ID:

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