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Product name: SCIO 469- Talmapimod
Chemical name: 2-(6-chl or o-5-((2R,5S)-4-(4-flu or obenzyl)-2,5-dimethylpiperazine-1-carbonyl)-1-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-N,N-dimethyl-2-oxoacetamideMedchemexpress
MF: C27H30ClFN4O3
MW: 513.00
C AS NO: 328541-79-3 Product: GlyH-101
Purity: 98%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOFac to r Xa Inhibitor s
Description: or ally available and selective Inhibitor of p38mi to gen-activate d protein(MAP) kin ASe (MAPK),with a10-foldselectivityf or p38αoverp38β and 2000-foldover20othe r kin ASe s;potent ialagentwith immunomodulating,anti-inflamma to ry and antineopl AS ticactivities References Certificates CaPubMed ID:

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