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Product name: Sephin 1- NSC 65390
Chemical name: (E)-2-(2-chl or obenzylidene)hydrazinecarboximidamideWeb Site:Medchemexpress
MF: C8H9ClN4
MW: 196.64
C AS NO: 68291-97-4 Product: Zonis amide
Purity: 99%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOUrotensin Recep to r Inhibitor s
Description: selective PPP1R15A Inhibitor devoid of PPP1R15B and α2-adrenergic activity .Incell s,Sephin1selective lydis ruptedthe PPP1R15A-PP1ccomplex,the reby eprolongingeIF2αphosph or ylationafterstress,delayingtranslationrecovery, and consequently,attenuated expression of sPubMed ID:

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