Product name: Zardaverine
Chemical name: 6-(4-Diflu or omethoxy-3-methoxy-phenyl)
MF: C12H10F2N2O3
MW: 268.22
C AS NO: 639052-78-1 Product: LH846
Purity: 99%
Soluble: Soluble in DMSOXanthine Oxid ASe Inhibitor s
Description: selective phosphodiester ASeIII/IV Inhibitor (PDE3/4) References Certificates Categ or ies Extrain foDCUnderwoodetal.Comparis on of phosphodiester ASeIII,IV and dualIII/IV Inhibitor s onbronchosp AS m and pulmonaryeosinophilinfluxinguineapigs.J.Pharmacol.Exp.the r.1994,270,250.CePubMed ID: