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Rons. It is well known that the motoneuron forms a columnar structure along the rostrocaudal axis and each columnar neuron shows distinct muscle innervation patterns in both chicks and mice [1]. At limb levels, motoneurons form the medial motor column (MMC) which regulates trunk muscles and the lateral motor column (LMC) which regulates limb muscles, whereas the sympathetic preganglionic motor column (called the Column of Terni; CT in chicks) and MMC are formed in the thoracic ML-240 spinal cord. A gradient of morphogens, such as sonic hedgehog, induces expression of MedChemExpress Tetracosactide transcription factors that specify different types of neurons as well as glial cells. Progenitor cells of somatic motoneurons are located in the ventral neural tube and express Olig2, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, thus forming the pMN domain. Olig2 initially specifies motoneurons and genetic deletion of olig2 causes loss of motoneurons in mice [2?]. Nkx2.2 is a homeodomain transcription factor and is expressed just ventrally to the pMN domain, demarcating the p3 domain, and is required for V3 interneuron development [5]. These transcription factors show cross-repressive interactions [6], suggesting that their functional interaction is important for formationof the boundary between pMN and p3 domains. By using an in ovo electroporation technique, it was shown that forced expression of Nkx2.2 represses expression of Olig2 [7], thus Nkx2.2 itself is considered to be a negative regulator of motoneuron generation [8]. However, in the mouse hindbrain, Nkx2.2 positive cells differentiate into visceral motoneurons as well as serotonergic neurons [9]. Moreover, it was suggested that Nkx2.2-lineage cells contribute to visceral motoneurons in the spinal cord [10]. These reports raised the possibility that various types of neurons were generated from Nkx2.2 positive progenitors. However, whether a population of 1531364 motoneurons derives from Nkx2.2-expressing progenitors is not fully understood in the chick spinal cord. Here, we analyzed cell lineage from Nkx2.2-positive progenitors using the genetically-defined lineage tracing method in the chick spinal cord, which we developed recently [11]. In addition, we applied a new strategy for lineage tracing by electroporating floxed reporter plasmids and Cre expressing plasmids at quite low concentrations determined by limiting dilutions. The results show that Nkx2.2-expressing cells generate not only sim1-expressing V3 interneurons but also visceral motoneurons. Surprisingly, these progenitors also differentiate into somatic motoneurons in the spinal cord. Our results indicate that Nkx2.2-progenitor cells produce a highly diverse population of motoneurons as well as V3 interneurons in the chick spinal cord.Nkx2.2+ Progenitors Generate Somatic MotoneuronsMaterials and Methods Animals and Gene ManipulationFertilized white leghorn eggs were obtained from the Ghen Corporation (Gifu, Japan) or the Yamagishi Corporation (Mie, Japan) and were incubated at 38uC. Embryonic stages of chicks were determined according to Hamburger and Hamilton [12]. All experimental procedures were approved by the Animal Care Committee of the National Institute for Physiological Sciences and that of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (No. M21?62).LacZ StainingFor lacZ staining, chick embryos were fixed in 2 paraformaldehyde/PBS at 4uC for 1 h, followed by incubation with DEPC-treated 20 sucrose/PBS for 12 h. Embryos were embedded in OCT compound (Sakura Fin.Rons. It is well known that the motoneuron forms a columnar structure along the rostrocaudal axis and each columnar neuron shows distinct muscle innervation patterns in both chicks and mice [1]. At limb levels, motoneurons form the medial motor column (MMC) which regulates trunk muscles and the lateral motor column (LMC) which regulates limb muscles, whereas the sympathetic preganglionic motor column (called the Column of Terni; CT in chicks) and MMC are formed in the thoracic spinal cord. A gradient of morphogens, such as sonic hedgehog, induces expression of transcription factors that specify different types of neurons as well as glial cells. Progenitor cells of somatic motoneurons are located in the ventral neural tube and express Olig2, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, thus forming the pMN domain. Olig2 initially specifies motoneurons and genetic deletion of olig2 causes loss of motoneurons in mice [2?]. Nkx2.2 is a homeodomain transcription factor and is expressed just ventrally to the pMN domain, demarcating the p3 domain, and is required for V3 interneuron development [5]. These transcription factors show cross-repressive interactions [6], suggesting that their functional interaction is important for formationof the boundary between pMN and p3 domains. By using an in ovo electroporation technique, it was shown that forced expression of Nkx2.2 represses expression of Olig2 [7], thus Nkx2.2 itself is considered to be a negative regulator of motoneuron generation [8]. However, in the mouse hindbrain, Nkx2.2 positive cells differentiate into visceral motoneurons as well as serotonergic neurons [9]. Moreover, it was suggested that Nkx2.2-lineage cells contribute to visceral motoneurons in the spinal cord [10]. These reports raised the possibility that various types of neurons were generated from Nkx2.2 positive progenitors. However, whether a population of 1531364 motoneurons derives from Nkx2.2-expressing progenitors is not fully understood in the chick spinal cord. Here, we analyzed cell lineage from Nkx2.2-positive progenitors using the genetically-defined lineage tracing method in the chick spinal cord, which we developed recently [11]. In addition, we applied a new strategy for lineage tracing by electroporating floxed reporter plasmids and Cre expressing plasmids at quite low concentrations determined by limiting dilutions. The results show that Nkx2.2-expressing cells generate not only sim1-expressing V3 interneurons but also visceral motoneurons. Surprisingly, these progenitors also differentiate into somatic motoneurons in the spinal cord. Our results indicate that Nkx2.2-progenitor cells produce a highly diverse population of motoneurons as well as V3 interneurons in the chick spinal cord.Nkx2.2+ Progenitors Generate Somatic MotoneuronsMaterials and Methods Animals and Gene ManipulationFertilized white leghorn eggs were obtained from the Ghen Corporation (Gifu, Japan) or the Yamagishi Corporation (Mie, Japan) and were incubated at 38uC. Embryonic stages of chicks were determined according to Hamburger and Hamilton [12]. All experimental procedures were approved by the Animal Care Committee of the National Institute for Physiological Sciences and that of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (No. M21?62).LacZ StainingFor lacZ staining, chick embryos were fixed in 2 paraformaldehyde/PBS at 4uC for 1 h, followed by incubation with DEPC-treated 20 sucrose/PBS for 12 h. Embryos were embedded in OCT compound (Sakura Fin.

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